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Flare Gas Recovery

Flare gases, which are produced during refinery and petrochemical processes, are often burned due to the need for pressure control and safety. However, these gases contain significant amounts of valuable components and can be utilized for various purposes. Some of the uses of flare gases include:

  1. Electricity Generation: One of the main applications of flare gases is electricity generation. Using gas turbines or generators, the thermal energy produced from burning flare gases can be converted into electricity.
  2. Liquid Recovery: Flare gases contain significant amounts of liquid hydrocarbons such as propane and butane that can be recovered and used as fuel or raw materials in petrochemical industries. (best solution depend on some factors)
  3. Injection into Oil Fields: Flare gases can be compressed and injected into oil fields to enhance oil recovery. This process, known as “gas injection,” can help increase reservoir pressure and extract more oil.
  4. Production of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG): By processing and compressing flare gases, they can be converted into liquefied natural gas, which can be used as fuel or a source of transportation energy. (Valuable form)
  5. Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) Production: Flare gases can be converted into liquid products such as through chemical processes. This process, known as “gas-to-liquids” or GTL, can help produce cleaner fuels.

These applications not only help reduce environmental pollution but also create new economic resources. Efficient use of flare gases can play a crucial role in the sustainable utilization of energy resources.

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